Study: Arizona could support more jaguars in a broader area
By Erin Stone
Jaguars could roam across wider areas of the United States than once thought, a new study has found, potentially raising the chances of survival for the endangered cat. The study, published in conservation journal Oryx on Tuesday, identified a swath of land the size of South Carolina in parts of Arizona and western New Mexico that could potentially support more than 150 jaguars in the future. Since 1996, seven jaguars, all males, have been documented in the U.S.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's jaguar recovery plan, published in April 2019, identified a narrow strip of habitat in the Arizona and New Mexico borderlands that the agency determined could support just six jaguars.
The service placed the onus of conservation primarily on Mexico and countries in Central and South America because the majority of existing populations remain south of the border.
The coalition of scientists who carried out the new study hope their conclusions will reopen conversations with the federal agency to focus more efforts on conserving jaguars in the U.S.
'What this paper tries to set clear is that, yes, there's definitely habitat for jaguars to repopulate the United States to establish a breeding population,' said Juan Carlos Bravo, co-author of the study, and Mexico and Borderlands program director with conservation group Wildlands Network. He has worked extensively to preserve jaguars in Mexico.
The federal government's plan pushed jaguar habitat in the U.S. below Interstate 10, asserting that because 'the jaguar is an international species with the vast majority of its range outside of the United States, primary actions to recover the jaguar will occur in other countries.'
Funding also played a role in that decision, Fish and Wildlife Service biologist Marit Alanen wrote in answers to questions from The Arizona Republic.
'When thinking realistically about funding for recovery projects, it's important to consider how expensive any sort of captive breeding and translocation process would be
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and whether the limited funds available could be put elsewhere to address more pervasive threats to the species,' Alanen wrote.
Jaguars were originally listed under the Endangered Species Conservation Act in 1972, the precursor to the Endangered Species Act.
But because the cat was considered a foreign species at the time, its status in the U.S. was unclear. In 1997, after lawsuits brought by conservation groups, the Fish and Wildlife Service listed the jaguar as endangered wherever it was found, including the U.S..
The federal law required the agency to consider designating critical habitat in the 'area occupied by the species at the time of listing.'
'In 1972 we didn't even think jaguars existed in the U.S., wildlife cameras weren't invented yet, and nobody was actively looking for jaguars,' Alanen wrote.
The Fish and Wildlife Service decided to use sightings from 1962 onward to designate critical habitat, based on the average lifespan of the jaguar, which is about 10 years.
'Because there weren't any undisputed jaguar records with physical evidence from north of I-10 between 1962-2013, there were no areas we could consider occupied at the time of listing north of I-10,' Alanen wrote. 'Therefore, jaguar critical habitat looks the way it does because we applied the language of the ESA as best we could in a complicated situation that required us to look back through time.'
But the legal limitations are only for critical habitat designation. The recovery plan is more flexible and the service left open the possibility of revising the plan's habitat boundaries if new information became available.
'The recovery plan is a nonbinding road map for recovery,' Jeff Humphrey, a field supervisor with the Fish and Wildlife Service, said by email. 'It is based on species experts, data and the FWS's prioritization of where the best use of finite conservation resources should be focused. Recovery plans are revisited and can be adjusted to consider burgeoning threats and new information.'
The study's authors, who considered evidence prior to 1962, hope the paper provides that information.
'One of the things that we're trying to do is say, let's look at what the science says, let's learn from our mistakes, recognize that science is an iterative process where we revise what we learn so we get it right, or at least as close to reality as you need to make sound management decisions,' Bravo said. 'A model is always going to be a model. But if it's close to what's actually going on in the landscape, then you're making better-informed decisions.'
For centuries, the jaguar has faced threats on both sides of the border. In the 1800s, they were driven close to extinction when the U.S. government subsidized campaigns to eradicate predators, including the jaguar. Over time, the cats became increasingly poached for their spotted coats. As highways and cities were built, their habitats were further fragmented.
'It was their habitat before it was our habitat and then we killed them so it seems like we should put a little bit of effort into trying to bring them back,' said Eric Sanderson, senior conservation ecologist with the Wildlife Conservation Society and lead author of the study.
Jaguars still face threats from poaching, deforestation and declining numbers of their native prey throughout their range, which extends as far south as Argentina.
New border wall fencing has further hindered their ability to naturally reestablish themselves in the U.S., said Bryan Bird, a co-author of the study and director of the southwest program for conservation group Defenders of Wildlife.
The Fish and Wildlife Service is also 'extremely concerned about the increase in illegal trade of jaguars and jaguar parts,' Alanen wrote.
The new study compared 12 habitat models for jaguars in Arizona and New Mexico and found about 20 million acres of potential habitat north of I-10 that the researchers estimate could sustain a population of 90 to 151 adult jaguars.
The researchers conducted a systemic review of the existing habitat models and reports that were published before the Fish and Wildlife Service finalized its recovery plan. Of 469 documents reviewed, the researchers found nine that identified new potential jaguar habitats in Arizona and New Mexico. Many of these reports were not considered in the Fish and Wildlife Service's recovery plan.
Some of the models were in peer-reviewed literature while others had only been described in reports but had been used in various legal, political and scientific contexts, including the recovery plan. All of them used a variety of modeling techniques to identify potential habitats in the U.S..
'They all tend to show the same thing. There's this idea, that you actually see a lot more in climate science: No one model might be right, but if you do 100 models or 50 models and they all show kind of the same thing, then that gives you more confidence that you're getting to the right result.'
Researchers say as many as 150 jaguars could survive in wider areas of Arizona and New Mexico.
Only seven jaguars, all males, have been documented in the U.S. since 1996, according to the Fish and Wildlife Service. They were all photographed in the Arizona mountains south of I-10. The last jaguar north of the freeway was killed by a U.S. government hunter in 1964.
Because the cats are so elusive, spatial modeling techniques are the best way to get an idea of their potential habitat, Sanderson said.
The study is the first in a series of companion papers that will delve further into jaguar restoration in the U.S., Sanderson said.
'It's taken us 50 years to get to this point where we actually have a recovery plan for jaguars that addresses the United States,' Sanderson said.
'So maybe it's going to take another 50 years before jaguars might be back in those mountains. And that's OK. You can't come away from the history of jaguars without an appreciation for patience and just keeping your eye on the ball over decades of time.'
There is some evidence that jaguars in the borderlands are genetically distinct from jaguars in more tropical regions, said Bird.
A 2016 study by the U.S. Geological Survey found that jaguars in the northernmost regions of their range may have certain unique genetics that help them adapt to a more arid environment.
'These are the individuals that may be adapted to drier, warmer conditions and eventually those conditions may be more prevalent in the future,' Bird said. 'So as far as adapting to climate change, it's important to have the diversity that's sometimes found in the edge of the range of an animal species.'
Much more research on this phenomenon is needed, said Sanderson.
Federal officials acknowledge that habitat in the U.S. could be beneficial in the face of climate change and poaching threats.
'The U.S. can contribute to jaguar conservation by providing habitat that allows for the cyclic expansion and contraction of the nearest core area in Mexico, and if a viable population establishes itself here, that could benefit the species in light of climate change and threats elsewhere,' Alanen wrote. 'But it's not the only solution to the threats facing the jaguar, and actions to address the major threats throughout its range are paramount.'
At this point, the researchers just want to reopen dialogue about expanding conservation efforts in the U.S.
'What's really important right now is just getting a common understanding of how much habitat there is in the U.S. and how many animals it could potentially support in that area,' said Bird.
'I think this science should result in the Fish and Wildlife Service reconsidering the area for recovery in the United States and eventually even critical habitat designation,' Bird said.
'This is an ongoing longterm dialogue around restoration and the role the U.S. can play in restoring this amazing American wild cat.'

In 1997, after lawsuits brought by conservation groups, the Fish and Wildlife Service listed the jaguar as endangered wherever it was found, including the United States.